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Paris Gardienne

Flashback:  April 2009

We board the Venice to Paris overnight train. Two narrow bunks, a closet and a sink. Legs entwined on the lower bunk, we eat our tuna wraps. Halfway through, there’s only lettuce and air.

We keep having this experience in Italy—lying sandwiches, crooked hotelkeepers. We turn in early, R. below, I above. (Bull below bird.)

At 6 a.m., the porter knocks with a tray of cappuccino and croissants. We throw on our clothes and pack. Line up for a cab.

Paris in the morning, hands clasped in the back seat, eyes eagerly scanning for the filagree of chestnut trees, the first glimpse of the Seine. Notre Dame. Quai de la Tournelle. Our street, our neighborhood café.

There is Hector at the counter, a year older, but young. When, two years ago, we admired an old photo on the wall, a turn of the century view of our street, he had it enlarged as a gift. It is framed now in our flat.

R. signs his book of poems to him. Hector treats us to cafés crèmes. We chat and wait for the tenants to leave.

Midmorning, we pass through the great green doors. There she is, Madame T, our Portuguese gardienne—Hestia, keeper of the household flame.

Dignified, in no rush, she tells us about the trouble with our neighbor. One of the tenants who rented our apartment had children who cried all night. (Half a year ago, as I remember.) And seven Israeli-American women came for the weekend.


“Yes, seven.” She counts them on her fingers. “They yelled down to each other in the courtyard when they couldn’t figure out how to open the door. The one who spoke French complained that the elevator was too small.” Madame T. raises an eyebrow.

Up in the small elevator with our heavy bags. We wander the apartment in a joyful daze. Let’s go lay in supplies.

We roll our shopping cart up the street to the supermarket, Champion. Strawberries, carrots, zucchini—little photos of vegetables and fruit above the scales. Weigh each. Out comes a sticky receipt. You twist it around the bag. We look for Poilâne bread with raisins. It’s too good—they’re always out.

So many possible kinds of milk: we read the labels until we find lait entier1. Beautiful jars of Bonne Maman jam. What kind? Fig! And Brie cheese. Long and wrinkled concombres2 wrapped in cellophane. Pommes Granny3. Hefty lemons. Joker brand jus d’orange4. Tuna pasta, freshly made today.

First day in Paris, I feel it again: I want to live here, want to find a way. The double whammy of happiness and the quickened desire to write; the aesthetic sense heightened. I want to explore the streets! Learn the history of Paris! A cornucopia of inspiration.

Later I read in Sophie Barron’s “Le 5e Arrondissement”:

Liquid chocolate made its first appearance in 1668 at the Restaurant de la Tour d’Argent.

Right at the end of our street.

Here is where la fourchette—the fork—was first used. And in 1685, the first cup of café.

In spite of little sleep on the train, bumping over the Alps; in spite of being exhausted after the extraverted, action-oriented ten-day cruise (no inward time to read, write and muse—not my natural rhythm), I feel completely awake. This city’s rhythm suits me. It’s Aphrodite’s rhythm, the rhythm of beauty and love. Time to sit and talk with friends. Time to observe the world.

We head up Boulevard St. Germain to buy two bunches of tulips, one red, the other orange flames. The florist adds three pink and white roses, and asks how short we’d like them cut.

A florist has never offered to do this for me, I tell her.

"I love flowers," she says, "and I love my clients."

The spirit of place—its power and persistence! Aphrodite and Dionysus, the ruling gods here.

We knock on the gardienne’s door. She opens with that sly earthy look.

Which bouquet would you prefer?

"Mais non!" she smiles, and picks the flames.

--April 22, 2009 - Paris

[1] whole milk
2 cucumbers
3 Granny Smith apples
4 orange juice

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Reader Comments (27)


No, you did not. Did you hear Villon mentioned in Post #9, The People of the Book? Maybe it was really your Russian Blue who prayed in l-Eglise St.-Julien-Le-Pauvre. I can hear his miow miow prayers now.

Love to you,
Kaaren and Richard
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 19:34 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard
Ooooh boy are these fun posts!

Great photos... are you all pros or something?!

I am quite jealous of all the good times - might have to come and visit!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 19:39 | Unregistered CommenterAndrew Kitchell

What a delight to hear from you. So glad you're enjoying the posts!

Richard is becoming a professional photographer, all right.

You might just HAVE to come and visit. We really admire what you're doing with the 30 phrases you need to know in any language series. Richard wants to buy the 30 phrases in French from you (though he just signed up for an intensive French course at l"Alliance Francaise, so he could very well be fluent by the time you arrive). If we can help you distribute the 30 Phrases in French, just ask.

You're the first member of your Kitchell branch to comment, Monsieur Travel-Around-the-World!

Kaaren and Richard
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 21:02 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard
Dear Richard,

I am happy to have received, from my friend Pat Snyder, this journal of your new life in Paris. I am envious. Congratulations. Maybe I will join you some day there. Please send along your address and contact info, when you have a chance.

Friday, March 18, 2011 at 19:07 | Unregistered CommenterMark Ryavec

How delightful to hear from you. Don't be envious, just get on a plane. I'll spring for your first café crème.

Contact information winging to you by e-mail.

Richard (and Kaaren)
Friday, March 18, 2011 at 19:25 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

What kind of visa did you guys get? I rarely go to movies in theaters, but yesterday I saw Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris," which I enjoyed completely, although "enjoyed" does not do justice to the delight I experienced frequently throughout the film (the silliness did not bother me at all). When I got home, my next Netflix movie was in my mailbox---"Paris The Luminous Years: Toward the Making of the Modern." The same milieu, the same cast of characters in a documentary. The impulse to take my nest egg from the sale of our house and give notice at work and fly (flee?) to Paris was nearly overwhelming! I've always known there is a lot I could learn from you two, in many areas, mais surtout, comme disait Montaigne, vivre à son aise. Wishing you all the best, Larry

Monday, July 4, 2011 at 1:37 | Unregistered CommenterLarry Colker

Dear Larry,

Do it! Follow your impulse. You won't regret it.

We had the same feeling about "Midnight in Paris:" pure delight!

"Paris, The Luminous Years: The Making of the Moderns" is fabulous.

I'll talk to you via e-mail about visas. And ask us any questions you have about living in Paris. We think you belong here.

I'm reading Montaigne lately (also, Proust), and I identify with his approach to life. He had a strong influence on Nietzsche's philosophy of joy. Two of the greatest sources of joy in Paris are its great beauty, and that you can walk everywhere and do. More in e-mail!

Love to you,

Kaaren (and Richard)

Monday, July 4, 2011 at 22:07 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard

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