Sunday, August 23, 2015

Louis XIII on a horse. Smokey sky above salmon and ochre bricks.
We circumambulate the Place des Vosges, find a wooden bench to pause
and drink it in: a cloud of swallows wheels above summer-lush lindens,
fountain plash, a bee above our heads, a feather falling between us.
Yesterday, one of those days when nothing goes right.
Today: sweet talk and galettes at Crêperie Suzette, and now this perfect moment.
Walking home, we see the dark falling above the carrousel and zinc roofs
at St. Paul. At 9 pm? Already? Fall is on its way.
Place des Voges in
Paris Life

Reader Comments (4)
Maybe I will paint a watercolor of your moment in the Place Des Vosges! I love the image of the wheeling swallows! Wish I was still there. My trip was way too short. Love, April
Please send us a photo of your watercolor. We're framing the one you gave us this week. Richard loves it, too. Any trip to Paris is too short, isn't it? It was wonderful to see you here.
Kaaren (& Richard)
Are you the Richard Beban who wrote an article in 1970 for the June edition of Scanlan's Magazine which also featured "The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved" by Hunter S Thompson and illustrated by Ralph Steadman?
If so I would love to talk to you about that time.
Kind regards,
Really nice site- well written with great photos (love those crazy cats).
All the best,
Chris Spence Paris Walks